High Quality
Our Quality Policy is always in compliance with the national and international product and quality standards, to achieve the main target of ensuring customer and employee satisfaction, and to demonstrate perpetual improvement and development, by working in collaboration during all the activities"...
Flexible Finance
We offer several Flexible Finance options to our regular steel buyers, including Letter of Credit at Sight, 30% Advance and 70% on presentation of Original documents, 50% Advance and 50% on Fax/email of Copy documents, credit line option is also available for our regular buyers...
Lowest Delivery Time
We offer guaranteed lowest delivery time to our esteemed buyers, understanding their needs for timely deliveries. We usually commit only spot deals which enables us to ship our steel products on time. Our fleet of 56 carriers enables us to deliver the merchandise on time to the port...
Freight Arrangements
We also negotiate best freight prices from reliable shipping lines and carriers on behalf of our customers. Our local presence and volumes enable us to get the required freight prices, shortest transit time, no shut-outs, more free time at destination ports and waiver of port charges...
Container Inspection
Our offered prices always include third party inspection to ensure our buyer's interest. We recommend SGS, Bureau Veritas (BIVAC), Intertek, Cotecna for inspections at loading port. Inspections include complete physical and chemical analysis with compressive strength of 3-7 days...
Insurance Cover
Our offered steel prices also include comprehensive insurance of the cargo covering all risks to avoid any losses occurred during the handling of the cargo including loading, transportation and unloading. Providing cover to customers from our steel plant to their warehouse...